chaffey regional adult education consortium


The Status of California’s Adult Education Program in 2021

The California Adult Education Program (CAEP) provides adult education state funding to regional consortia, county offices of education, school districts, community colleges, and joint powers authorities consisting of community colleges, school districts, or a combination of these, to support the following programs:

CAEP Program Areas

Inspired by income inequities, in 2015 Governor Jerry Brown proposed a new adult education program as part of a statewide workforce initiative. Legislative leadership in both the state Assembly and Senate shared the same aims as the Governor, especially in regard to adult literacy, citizenship preparation, and employment training opportunities.

More than a million students enroll in adult education programs funded by the CAEP each year. The CAEP delivery system is aligned along California community college district boundaries. The amount of funding for the CAEP program allocated by the Legislature in 2019-20 and 2020-21 was $538.5 million per year. Funds allocated for the 2021-22 year are expected to increase.

With the 2020-21 school year, California’s new adult education program is now in its sixth year of operation. The provisions governing the program were set forth in AB 104 (2015,) and these are reflected in the California Education Code sections 84900 to 84920.

Since the enactment of AB 104 in 2015, a number of changes to the program have been enacted through state budget provisions or legislation.

These changes are as follows:

The state of California has now dedicated more than $3 billion to its adult education efforts since the initial funding of the new model. It should be noted that this far exceeds what other states are directing to adult literacy and workforce training, regardless of proportionality.

If you want to learn more, contact us.